Case Study: Immunity & Chiropractic

Case Study: Immunity & Chiropractic

The patient reported on in this study was a 7-year-old boy who suffered from chronic colds, allergies, and asthma since the age of 5 months. The boy was medicated daily with a prescription of Alavert for allergies and Albuterol for asthma. He had previously taken Claritin for his allergies, then changed to Singulair and finally to the Alavert. His mother reported that when he had asthmatic attacks he would then require nebulizer treatments. Steroid injections were also used “regularly” for his asthma according to his mother.

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While in his first year of school (kindergarten), the boy missed 1-2 school days per month due to “colds”, asthma and “being sick”. The boy required at least once-monthly medical visits due to his various illnesses prior to beginning chiropractic care. He had experienced repeated episodes of tonsillitis and bronchitis in his life.

The mother had gained 70lbs of “waterweight” and had a lot of swelling during her pregnancy. Three ultrasounds were performed during her pregnancy. The boy’s delivery was chemically induced four days past the calculated delivery date. An epidural was given as well as Pitocin, due to a failure to progress during labor.

The first stage of labor lasted 17 hours, at which time a Cesarean-section was performed with local anesthesia. According to the patient’s mother, the boy’s vaccination history followed the standard medical schedule and at the time of his initial chiropractic visit, the patient was current on receiving all his scheduled vaccinations. He was only breastfed for the first 3-4 weeks after birth and his developmental history revealed that he did not crawl but eventually walked at 10 months of age.

He was examined by the chiropractor who found structural spinal shifts in his neck, mid and low back and his pelvis that were obstructing his nervous system. These obstructions are caused by shifts in the bones (vertebra) that make up the spine. These obstructions are referred to as vertebral subluxations in the scientific literature and adjusting them is how chiropractic helps people.

After just two weeks of first receiving chiropractic care, the patient’s mother indicated that the boy was improving. Soon after he was no longer dependent on his prescription medications and his asthmatic episodes were lessening with respect to frequency and intensity of the asthmatic attacks. Furthermore, the boy no longer required his nebulizer treatments after beginning chiropractic care and he no longer suffered from frequent colds, tonsillitis or bronchitis. The patient nor his mother did not report any adverse reactions to the. chiropractic care provided.

The researchers called for more studies on the role of chiropractic in managing children suffering from immune challenges.


Chiropractic Care of a Pediatric Patient with Allergies, Asthma, Chronic Colds and Vertebral Subluxation. Joel Alcantara, BSc, D.C., Laura Van Roo, D.C., and Rosemary E. Oman, MSc, FASBE, D.C., Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic – Volume 2009, Issue 3, Pg 1-7