Dr. Jacqueline Tsiapalis

Dr. Jacque­line Tsi­a­palis is a fam­ily chi­ro­prac­tor, wife, and mom, with spe­cialty train­ing in the care of preg­nant moms, chil­dren and babies. She has been providing family chiropractic care for over 25 years, at first in Canada, and now in both Broward and Palm Beach counties Florida.
She is blessed with an amaz­ing fam­ily with her hus­band, Gus, and their four chil­dren. All four chil­dren were born at home and have been adjusted since birth.
Dr. Jacque­line received her Doctor of Chiropractic from the Cana­dian Memo­r­ial Chi­ro­prac­tic Col­lege in Toronto. Her other aca­d­e­mic accom­plish­ments include a Bach­e­lor of Arts Degree in Anthro­pol­ogy (Health Care Cross Cul­tur­ally) from McGill Uni­ver­sity in Mon­tréal, and a post-​doctorate fel­low­ship in preg­nancy and pedi­atric care. She is also cer­ti­fied in The Web­ster Tech­nique used in pregnancy and as well she com­pleted two years of the post-​doctorate diplo­mate cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in chi­ro­prac­tic neurology.
Her pri­mary mis­sion is to help as many fam­i­lies as pos­si­ble (espe­cially chil­dren), to empower them­selves to live at their opti­mal poten­tial. It is through her own expe­ri­ence of the effects of a trau­matic birth as well as her expe­ri­ences of anovu­la­tion (pre­vent­ing con­cep­tion), she has made this her mission.

Visit to learn more: https://drjacquelinetsiapalis.com/

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Fill in the fol­low­ing form or call us at 954-571-8100 to request an appoint­ment. Our Great Life team will follow up with you to help schedule.



Doctors Schedule

9:00 - 12:00
10:00 - 2:00
9:00 - 12:00
10:00 - 2:00
9:00 - 11:00