Whole Foods

wholefoodsWhat are whole foods?

1. Whole foods are foods that are unprocessed and unrefined, or processed and refined (eg. cooked) as little as possible before being eaten.

2. Whole foods are what our ancestors ate before the introduction of processed, shelf life designed ‘food’.

3. Whole foods provide a greater source of micronutrients in their natural form than vitamin supplements.

4. Whole foods provide essential daily dietary fibre.

5. Whole foods provide naturally occuring protective substances against chronic diseases, such as phytochemicals/antioxidants.

6. Examples of whole foods are fruits, vegetables, beans, unpolished grains, and unhomogenized dairy products.

7. Whole food goes bad and rots if not eaten. (Compare with McDonald’s french fries that are so far from their whole food potatoe state, that they do not rot).

8. Whole food has a recent connection to the earth.

9. Whole food does not have a list of ingredients and are rarely packaged.