Custom Foot Orthotics


Custom Foot Orthotics

A cus­tom orthotic is a device designed to align the foot and ankle into the most anatom­i­cally effi­cient posi­tion.

They look like insoles, but are bio­me­chan­i­cal med­ical appli­ances that are cus­tom made to cor­rect your spe­cific foot imbal­ance. Cus­tom orthotics work on your feet much like glasses work on your eyes — they reduce stress and strain on your body by bring­ing your feet back into proper align­ment. The plas­tic body of the cus­tom orthotic helps to re-​align the foot by redi­rect­ing and reduc­ing cer­tain motion that takes place dur­ing the gait cycle.

Great Life Chi­ro­prac­tic pro­vides cus­tom orthotics and footwear from Footlevelers a cus­tom orthotic and footwear lab­o­ra­to­ry. We pre­scribe cus­tom foot orthotics and cus­tom foot orthotic shoes based on indi­vid­ual needs. The orthotics are for all walks of life, includ­ing chil­dren, adults, seniors and athletes.