Benefits of Digital Xray

digital xrayThe world’s first introduction to radiology, which involves the process known as X-rays, came in 1895 from German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen’s first X-ray photograph of his wife’s hand donning a ring. Since this breakthrough achievement, medical radiography has only continued to exceed technological boundaries.

Like many film mediums, including photography and movie making, radiography has gradually been making the switch to digital from conventional film. Many chiropractic offices still use film radiography. The most common reason why chiropractic centres have not converted to digital radiography is due to the cost and labour put into installing new machines and training staff on their usage. However, if you compare conventional and digital xray, there are quite a few benefits to digital radiography.


  • Less radiation is needed to produce the same quality image as film (digital xrays give up to 70% less exposure to radiation than conventional xrays).
  • The digital image can be enhanced for best visibility for chiropractors and patients, by altering brightness and contrast.
  • The film is immediately processed and available to view, whereas film takes time to be developed.
  • Digital xrays produce larger photos of the spine to better source difficult to see degeneration/arthritis, or less common fractures and disease processes.
  • Digital xrays can be archived and stored on a computer, with quick easy access.
  • Digital xrays can also easily be transferred to fellow chiropractors or other health professionals in the case of referrals.