Autistic Boy’s Observations on his Chiropractor

Autistic boy chiropracticInnate Expressions, Sensory Sensitivities. By John D’Ambrosio, D.C., Blog Published in Pathways to Family Wellness

A young man who is a patient of mine happens to have autism. He is nonverbal and his parents drive him to see me so he can get checked and adjusted. Tim has many of the characteristics of anyone with autism, so from the outside most people would miss the incredibly intel­ligent and warm person that he is.

His mom, who is a dentist, uses RPM—Rapid Prompt Method—to talk with him. After being taught this technique, she was finally able to communicate with him and learn how he feels, and how smart he truly is.

At the time, his school was teaching him shapes and kindergarten-level work, but he has a great knowledge of all subjects on the high school and even college level. He can multiply numbers (three places each—345 x 763) in his head and instantly come up with an answer, he is an amazing writer, and he takes in everything going on around him.

For one of his assignments he was asked to write an observa­tional paper using RPM. He chose me as the subject. I was truly touched to not only hear his impressions of me, but also how chiropractic affects his life. With Tim’s permission, I’m reproducing it here for all of you to enjoy.


By Timothy Ryan

Dr. John is muscular like a bull. When he adjusts I feel his arms with bulk tensing muscle fibers that strain to right all that is wrong. He tries to feel the muscle for spasm and interference so that I may function at a higher level. He softly speaks, “Are you ready? Can I check your neck? Do you want to stretch the neck?” He feels your spine with precision like a master builder creating a cathedral.

He is respectful of your personal circumstances as well as your physical pain. He turns off music when I have sound sensitivity and gives me a choice as to what treatment I prefer. He waits patiently for me to adjust to the situation at hand and never hurts my feelings or body. He is sensitive about my sensory issues which plague me daily.

He has an emotional connection with his spirit and mine. He has a way of seeing my true temperament and nature in contrast to a relative who is selfish and cruel. One time he got assaulted by me when I was anxious and in pain. He just ignored my behavior and accepted it as an impulse control knee-jerk response. I was relieved to find a practitioner who understood my neurology.

He smells as if he stepped right out of an herb garden that God planted in heaven. He is losing his hair and chooses to shave his head. His dark eyes are soft and gentle as a horse’s after grazing in a lush field of alfalfa.

His office is located in his home where we commiser­ate on the lack of education of the professionals in special education and medicine about those on the spectrum. He is concerned with many people and strives to bring them to optimum health. He has a sign up that states some healthy advice. He has chiropractic charts and a spinal column in the room for explanation of your specific ailment. There are two treatment tables that provide exquisite relief from anxiety and the torment I feel to self-injure. The office exudes serenity by its simplicity. There are no distractions like children screaming, excessive noise, negative vibes or drama. One time Dr. John told me I was the best patient because I listened to his directions. No one has ever said I am good at anything other than my parents and the RPM teachers.

I am in awe of the power of chiropractic adjustment. It is the one treatment where I feel wonderful and accepted. It is an exceptional healing art that is not invasive yet has powerful effects. Dr. John has a blue aura which places him in the category of angelic martyr. I desire to aspire to be a person similar to him, one that helps others instead of destroying lives.